Monday, June 4, 2012

Character Profiles

The Queens


Gender: Female
Age: 16
Height: 5’6”
Weight: What a rude entry!
Place of birth: Seattle, Washington
Zodiac sign: Taurus
Favorite TV Show: Friends
Member of: The Queens
Synopsis: Sykosa is a “book smart” girl who never had to deal with real life until real life happened to her. When her best friend – Niko – gets into a prolonged competition with rival – Donna Harly – for control of their high school, Sykosa’s life changes permanently in a matter of seconds. It was an event that involved a boy Sykosa had just met, Tom. This event took place during Sykosa's sophomore year.
        A year later, Sykosa struggles to reclaim her identity, finding that she continually relives the event, and occasionally succumbs to panic attacks. Her guilt has also manifested itself in a powerful love for Tom, her new boyfriend.
        Her favorite features of Tom’s are his blue eyes and his long blond hair.
        Sykosa is the story’s main character and the lens through which almost all elements of the story are seen. She can occasionally have a powerful influence over the narrator. Sykosa has a lot of potential, but to the dismay of her parents and teachers, about her only real interest is making new memories with her friends.
        She is probably two months from realizing that she’s addicted to tobacco and cannot quit smoking.


Gender: Female
Age: 17
Height: 5’1”
Weight: 99lbs
Place of birth: Hokkaido, Japan
Zodiac sign: Aries
Favorite Movie: Titantic
Secret movie star crush: Leonardo DiCaprio
Member of: The Queens
Synopsis: In addition to being Sykosa’s best friend, Niko is the founder of the Academy’s most respected clique, the Queens. Niko is also that kid you knew whose parents were never around, or when they were around were in constant denial, so her home is available for parties and other shenanigans. This combined with Niko’s charisma contribute to Niko’s success as supreme social debutant of the Academy.
        She is – by far – the most popular, most loved and most hated girl in school.
        Niko is also a type-A, alpha personality. Her first instinct, in almost all situations, is to determine who is in charge, and how she can dominate that person. This drive in Niko has made her a resourceful young woman, capable of amazing accomplishments not by her own doing, but by the coordination and deployment of those around her. Unfortunately, Niko’s major weakness is arrogance, and she has a long history of showing poor, impulsive judgment – the greatest example being when Niko misanalyzed her position with Donna Harly, causing great suffering to all her friends, and forever altering her relationship with Sykosa.


Gender: Female
Height: Relative to Sykosa’s.
Weight: Relative to Sykosa’s.
Member of: The Queens
Synopsis: SS1 is short for Star Slut 1, a derogatory nickname given to her by the Bitches, as she is part of a core of Asian girls who exclusively date the boys in the Speed Stars, a local racing gang. SS1 is extremely self-obsessed and self-important, but she has no desire for leadership or power, only attention – so she and Niko co-exist in harmony.


Gender: Female
Height: Relative to Niko’s.
Weight: Relative to Niko’s.
Member of: The Queens
Synopsis: Also a member of the Star Sluts, SS2 has grown close to Niko. After the events of last year, Niko and Sykosa’s friendship was fundamentally changed. While the two remain loyal, Sykosa no longer allows Niko the intense intimacy that their friendship was once built on. To replace this missing part of her life, Niko turned to SS2, who is definitely a Niko-worshipper.


Gender: Female
Synopsis: Not much is known about SS3. She is a very quiet girl.

The Bitches


Gender: Female
Age: 17
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 121lbs
Place of birth: Bellevue, Washington
Member of: The Bitches
Synopsis: During the battle between Niko and Donna Harly for supremacy of the Academy, Mackenzie was on Donna’s side, part of Donna’s group, the Bitches. Since losing to Niko, the Bitches have fallen out of favor, but Mackenzie stays true to the group. Also Mackenzie has ended her long hatred of Tom – finding that she has fallen in love with him, only to find that Tom has fallen in love with one of her major rivals, Sykosa.
      Mackenzie has never liked Sykosa, so the fight for Tom takes on a significance that goes beyond romance, as each girl wants to prove the other inferior. Much of the antagonism between Mackenzie and Sykosa has been thrust upon them by the adults in their lives (both sets of parents, as well as their teachers). Mackenzie and Sykosa have battled off/on for valedictorian and swim team. This adversarial relationship has existed since childhood and no one has ever intervened to stop the girls from taking it personally.
      Mackenzie’s family defines all value by “success.” Mackenzie’s sisters both attended the Academy and won a state championship for swim team. Mackenzie’s ultimate, driving ambition in life is to do the same.


Gender: Female
Age: 16
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 175lbs
Nickname: Cow
Member of: The Bitches
Synopsis: By the end of Part I, we know little of Jessica. Only that she is the de facto leader of the Bitches since Donna Harly disappeared. Her nickname, Cow, was apparently given to her by Donna. Niko believes that Jessica is actively seeking revenge for Niko’s betrayal, which splintered the Bitches during sophomore year.

Ass Girl

Gender: Female
Age: 17
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 133lbs
Member of: The Bitches
Synopsis: Ass Girl is a nickname, and an insult, created by Niko. It exists because when Ass Girl joined the Academy during second semester of junior year, she started to date Hazu (Niko’s love). Niko believes that Ass Girl is taking over the Bitches, and that Ass Girl’s increasing popularity poses a threat to the Queens supremacy within the Academy.

Donna Harly

Gender: Female
Age: 18
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 147lbs
Member of: The Bitches (former member)
Synopsis: Donna Harly’s current status is unknown, as well are her whereabouts. After the events that took place during Sykosa’s sophomore year, Donna left the Academy and then never returned. Donna has made no contact with anyone at the Academy, including Mackenzie. The two were – at one time – near inseparable.



Gender: Male
Age: 17
Height: 6’2”
Weight: 184lbs
Parents’ marital status: Divorced
Distinguishing marks: Entire right arm, including right shoulder, are covered in scars.
Synopsis: Tom is Sykosa’s boyfriend. He dislikes school, possibly since he shows signs of having an attention disorder, but likes video games, hanging out and keeping a low-profile. Tom’s feelings for Sykosa are real, but so are his desires – as such, he tends to sway from being extremely giving and sensitive to extremely demanding and insensitive. Tom’s romance with Sykosa is complicated by his best friend Mackenzie, whom Sykosa views as competition for his affection.
        Tom is not overly talented in one area. He is intelligent, however. At times, he can speak eloquently, assuming that the topic is one he feels comfortable with, and that he is interested in it.
        He has long blond hair which he slicks back at school so that he follows the school’s dress code.


Gender: Male
Age: 17
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 124lbs
Place of birth: Bellevue, Washington
Real Name: Haruhide
Member of: The Speed Stars
Prize possession: His twin-turbo, midnight black Mazda RX7 FD.
Synopsis: Hazu is the leader of a racing club/local gang called the Speed Stars. He is also Niko’s on-again, off-again boyfriend. The two share an intense relationship that is highlighted by both extreme acts of loyalty and betrayal. It is, without doubt, a relationship whose dynamics make sense to Niko and Hazu alone. Niko is attracted to Hazu’s bravado and his ability to stand up to her, but Niko is also threatened by her inability to manipulate him, which marginalizes Niko’s primary source of power as a person – her shrewdness. The same holds true for Hazu. While what attracts him to Niko is her virile spirit and independence, what he desires most from Niko is her romantic submission.


Gender: Male
Age: Over 21
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 150lbs
Works at: 7/11
Synopsis: Shortly after Hazu broke her heart, Niko met Timmy, whom she started to date. Unlike her relationship with Hazu, Timmy presents no challenges for Niko. He is available when she needs him to be and not when she doesn’t, he treats Niko better than any boy Niko has dated prior, but he is – at least in Sykosa’s opinion – too old for her.
        Timmy is the primary source for alcohol within the Queens.


Gender: Male
Age: Over 21
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 155lbs
Plays: Guitar
Synopsis: Clyde is an attractive male who happens to have long (dirty) blond hair and blue eyes. Sykosa is attracted to him physically, but he misunderstands her intentions. Blond hair and blue eyes (the surfer look) may be Sykosa’s preference, but she prefers Tom.

Mike Holler

Gender: Male
Age: 18
Height: 6’4”
Weight: 205lbs
Synopsis: Like Donna Harly, Mike Holler disappeared after the events of Sykosa’s sophomore year. He was the Academy’s quarterback and he was Donna’s boyfriend. Part of the “event” from Sykosa’s sophomore year includes when Mike becomes attracted to Sykosa, hoping to date her. This is something that hurts Donna’s pride.


Gender: Male
Age: 18
Hieght: 6’3”
Weight: 197lbs
Synopsis: Lonny was Mike’s closest friend at the Academy and football teammate. He formerly dated Mackenzie. Lonny also disappeared after the events of Sykosa’s sophomore year.


Mother Superior

Gender: Female
Age: Really, really old
Occupation: Regent of Academics for the Administration
Synopsis: Mother Superior has been part of Sykosa’s entire education. Both Niko and Sykosa attended the Academy’s primary school, where Mother Superior was principal before being promoted to a Regent of the Administration. Mother Superior now works in the Administration building at the Academy, where she oversees all the schools and educational programs associated with the parish.
        Mother Superior has also been vital to Niko – serving as a surrogate parent to Niko from time to time and helping Niko live as normal a life as possible.

American history teacher

Gender: Male
Age: 50
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 175lbs
Occupation: Instructor for social sciences and history
Synopsis: The American history teacher is the teacher of – duh – American history. It is Sykosa’s first period class. Sykosa is struggling to pass his class, something she has never had problems with before.

Vice principal

Gender: Male
Age: 48
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 135lbs
Nickname: Veeps
Synopsis: The vice principal (Veeps) is the man who put an end to the event of Sykosa’s sophomore year. He may have saved Tom’s life. After the event, Veeps attempted to investigate what happened at the Academy, but found he was stonewalled by its participants (Sykosa, Mackenzie, Jessica, Niko, Tom, Mike Holler, Donna Harly, and Lonny), all of whom lied to cover up the truth.
        Veeps has never given up on finding out the truth, nor has he made it secret that he feels Niko is the primary suspect and most likely guilty.
        The most recent argument between Veeps and Niko was about how Niko stopped wearing bras to school. Despite the fact that bras are part of the Academy’s dress code, and that the Academy is overseen by a woman, Niko sees being told what underwear to wear – by a man – as a sign that he is sexist and cannot be trusted. Whether Niko voluntarily ignores these complications, or if she is just ignorant to how decisions are made on an adult level, is hard to determine.

Sykosa’s mother

Gender: Female
Age: 41
Height: 5’2”
Weight: 110lbs
Synopsis: Sykosa’s mother is vital to the dynamic of Sykosa’s friendship with Niko. If not for her mother’s disapproval of Niko, it’s uncertain how close Sykosa and Niko would’ve become, and if Sykosa would’ve been present for the event that happened sophomore year.
        Sykosa’s mother has displayed controlling tendencies throughout Sykosa’s life. Sykosa frequently has her room searched and her privacy invaded. It is no surprise Sykosa’s chosen to hide that she’s dating Tom from her mother, and by extension her father.

Sykosa’s father

Gender: Male
Age: 44
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 245lbs
Synopsis: Sykosa’s father works as the head of the local chapter of the ILWU. Having spent her entire life in white collar schools that promote white collar values, Sykosa has an involuntary instinct to be ashamed of her father’s work. In many ways, she prefers to know as little about his professional life as possible, which he accommodates as he dislikes talking about it.
        Sykosa’s father makes an out-of-character decision in Part I when he allows Sykosa to go to Niko’s Coeur d’Alene cottage for the weekend.


Gender: Female
Age: 33
Hieght: 5’3”
Weight: 104lbs
Synopsis: Kana is Niko’s mother. During sophomore year, Kana got in some trouble and its affect on Niko was enormous.


Gender: Female
Age: Really old, like Mother Superior
Synopsis: Nana is Niko’s live-in caretaker. She has taken care of Niko since Niko was a small child.

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